Monday 18 March 2013

'Once Upon A Time...'

During my FMP i will be focusing on the topic of 'Alice in Wonderland'. I will be exploring different things throughout this project such as monochrome and colour photography and different personality traits such as madness, fear and anger. I will be exploring and experimenting with different types of media and techniques that best displays these traits such as long exposure shots, and i hope to explore many different paths throughout this project. I will also be exploring the many different artists that i can research in relation to this topic such as, Megan Canning, Jennifer Collier and Katherina Denzinger.

Monday 11 March 2013

The Red Queen & The Mad Hatter


These are Photoshop manipulations of photographs which i have taken of my friends dressed up as the characters The Red Queen and The Mad Hatter. 

Thursday 7 March 2013

Alice In Wonderland

These are primary photographs which i have taken for my Final Major Project: Alice In Wonderland. My college friends Sian Wilkinson Gardner, known as The Red Queen and Suzannah Bach, known as The Mad Hatter agreed to dress up as the characters from the tale and helped me take these photographs for my project.